What do we have. Toulouse.

The end of the year is near. Of 2023, that is. Meanwhile I am in the South of France, doing a couple of shows with Titty Twister BB and The And. On November the 3rd TITTY TWISTER BB launched their new album Sueur et Tremblements. I did lyrics and vocals on the album-track If I Can’t and live I joined the band for three more songs. First party was THE AND which used to be a duo (Nicolas Lafourest and me), but is now a trio (enter Marie Olaya), that makes two guitars and one voice.

Before Toulouse I was in Amsterdam together with Ignacio Córdoba from Copenhagen, working on ideas for our second album. Meanwhile, our first album Is This A House will be released in January 2024. Its planned release got ” s l i g h t l y ” delayed… There was some covid period stuff, home stuff other things to do first stuff, no time to do any gigs now anyway stuff, so yeah, we decided on putting it out early next year.

Before Toulouse and Amsterdam, there were a bundle of shows with BAZIP ZEEHOK (Lukas Simonis, Gert-Jan Prins, and me), to celebrate the release of our album In De Sloop Der Tijd (which kinda translates as “In the crush of time”). It contains ten improvised tracks and they all got lyrics in Dutch.

Before Toulouse and Amsterdam and Allthat, the people of SKILL DREAMS (“OMA”), i.e. Don McLean, Bianca Biblioni, and me, finished the recordings and mixing of the ten-track album As We Speak, which will be released around the middle of next year, followed by a US tour in July.