Category Archives: Old News

Ear we go again

Coming up in 2016 . . .
• shows with The And, Senga Etna, Gran Kino (see: Concerts 2016)
• a collaboration/compilation CD, scheduled for April
• US tour with Filiamotsa in March
• US tour with Action Beat
• lyrics books in English and Dutch

Released in 2015 . . .
New CD/LP   LIKE IT IS by Filiamotsa
New CD/LP   SONGS FOR A FREE BODY by Cannibales & Vahinés
New 10″ album   THE AND by The And
New 7″ single   STRAW/TOWN OF STONE by The And
Compilation album   AT BIMHUIS 1991-2015 (2CD) by The Ex
New mini-album   BALLADES (CD) by Gran Kino + Sarasvati
New 7″ single   MIRROR MAN by Cannibales & Vahinés
Osorio   >   OPONONI (CD) by Oromocto Diamond
Ütopiya/On Living   >   ÜTOPIYA? (2LP/2CD) by Oiseaux-Tempête
Caged Bird   >   MEMORIES TO COME (CD/LP) by L’Etrangleuse

Plus . . .
99 concerts in 2015 . . .   with Filiamotsa , Cannibales & Vahinés, Action Beat, King Champion Sounds, Gran Kino, Oiseaux-Tempête, The And, G.W. Sok (solo), and as a guest with Mellanoisescape, Senga Etna, Outskirts, L’Etrangleuse, Two Pin Din
in 10 countries . . .   France, Holland, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, England, Austria, Germany, Indonesia, and Malaysia

King Champion Sounds 10″

Released in October 2015, through John Robb’s Louder Than War label, a King Champion Sounds 10″ album that includes a free bonus CD with two extra tracks: SONGS FOR THE GOLDEN HOUR.
Available via Ex Mailorder.

KCS-SongsForTheGoldenHourbIGSIDE A:
1) Ghetto Of Eden
2) SM Revelation
3) Waiting For Measures
4) The Year 500
5) Moottoripyoran Matka
6) The Quiet Beach
7) Breadlines & Deadlines

Action Beat + G.W. Sok 2014

A REMARKABLE MACHINE… the 2014 album by Action Beat with G.W. Sok on vocals… on 2×10″ vinyl… Available via Ex Mailorder and at concerts… almost 50 loud and poetic minutes…

1. Spoonfeed Hell /
2. Judgement Letter / 3. Heap Of Clay /
4. Dig The Hole /
5. Sentence Machine /
6. Pork Butcher’s Knife /
7. Disappearing Man /
8. Great Unfinished /
9. Citizen K /
10. One Another.      . ..
. . .

Different Drummer

Released in October 2013: DIFFERENT DRUMMER vinyl LP by King Champion Sounds.  WORM 019. Comes with bonus CD and bonus-track. Distributed by Sonic Rendezvous, and also available via Ex Mailorder. WORM 019


KIng Champion Sounds is Ajay Saggar (ex-The Bent Moustache, ex-donkey), G.W. Sok (ex-The Ex), Oli Heffernan (Shrug, Year Of Birds), Mees Siderius, Ditmer Weertman, Chris Moerland.

July 6, 2013… Paris

I’m in Paris right now, as an Artist-In-Residence, at Centre Les Récollets, where I’m offered space and time for three months of writing. And Summer has arrived, too. Thank you.

My apartment’s on the fourth floor. This afternoon, through the open window, I hear a saxophone in the park near the canal. Yesterday I heard school kids singing at their playground… Laaa, la lala la laaa laaa… the tune to the White Stripes’ Seven Nations Army that is.

Meanwhile, today, in the South of France, there’s a bunch of guys on bicycles trying to find their way on nasty narrow roads to the top of a mountain. “Paris is still far away,” they say. I know they’re right, and yet I somehow disagree. Parce-que, oui, je suis déjà à Paris.

Juni 2013 en daarna (A.I.R.)…

9 juni in de tuin van Amsterdam Outsider Art Gallery maken de volgende Dichters, geïnspireerd door Johnny van Doorn, hun opwachting: Yvonne van Doorn-Mousset, Hans Plomp, Diana Ozon, Stella Bergsma, Rik van Boeckel, Bart FM Droog, Jan Damstra, Erna Ammeraal, Bert Schoonhoven, G.W. Sok, Jaap Blonk e.a.

16 juni optreden Testa Di Cavallo in Génève, Zwitserland.

22 en 23 juni in het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, in het kader van het Holland Festival: The Inquisitive Musician, een muzikale theaterperformance van Cindy Bernard en David Watson. Met o.a. Felicity Provan, G.W. Sok, Thijs van Leer, Hillary Jeffrey, Alison Isadora, Steve Heather.

29 juni optreden Cannibales & Vahinés in de Music Halle te Toulouse, Frankrijk

Van 1 juli tot en met 30 september is de schrijver G.W. Sok, op uitnodiging van het Institut Français, drie maanden lang Artist-In-Residence in de Récollets te Parijs, Frankrijk.

The Conductor Tales 2013

Buro Beukorkest in Plaza Futura, Eindhoven
16, 17, 18, 19 mei

The Conductor Tales… Een voorstelling als set-up voor een film. Een samenwerking met diverse kunstenaars, acteurs en muzikanten. Met de nadruk op spoken-word en het visuele aspect van de performance.

Met o.a. Rik van Iersel, G.W. Sok, André Manuel, Amin, Marc Constandse, The Singing Chair, Siem Nozza, Edward Capel, en visuele bijdragen van Truus de Groot, Johnny Dowd, Def P, Marissa Evers, Fieke van Berkom, Wiel Wiersma, Jerome Siegelaer.